MANCHESTER (November 11, 2021) – Celebrations of service, gatherings and group recognitions are beginning to reemerge and are more important than ever. This is especially true when the purpose is to celebrate our nation’s Veterans, their service and their sacrifice.
On behalf of iCare Health Network, our care centers and entire staff, we would like to honor all of our nation’s veteran’s for all that they gave in service of our country.
There are dozens of veterans in every iCare facility as staff members, residents, vendors, families and others and we take every opportunity, especially today, to say, deeply and sincerely, Thank You.
UPDATE – Silver Springs Care Center: Today, for our Veterans Day Celebration, each Veteran was awarded a certificate, a bag of gifts from Silver Springs and a bag of gifts from the Wallingford Elks Club and we enjoyed some delicious desserts.
UPDATE – Trinity Hill Care Center: “Here is a few pictures from Trinity Hill’s annual Veterans’ Day pinning and recognition ceremony. Where recognized the individuals who have served our country and given so much of themselves protecting. And also honoring those individuals who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms.
“Trinity Hill provided each Veteran with a certificate of recognition, personalized dog tags with their names, branch of service and a thoughtful message; and pinned with the flag of the country they fought so hard to protect.”
Veteran’s Prayer
Today we honor our veterans,
worthy men and women
who gave their best
when they were called upon
to serve and protect their country.
We pray that you will bless them, Lord,
for their unselfish service
in the continual struggle
to preserve our freedoms, our safety,
and our country’s heritage, for all of us.
Bless them abundantly
for the hardships they faced,
for the sacrifices they made
for their many different contributions
to America’s victories
over tyranny and oppression.
We respect them, we thank them,
we honor them, we are proud of them,
and we pray that you will watch over
these special people
and bless them with peace and happiness.