HARTFORD (December 7, 2021) – Trinity Hill Care Center in Hartford will be supporting a toy drive at the care center as well as at 673 Park Street in Hartford, from 1-5PM.
Displayed here are the flyer with all the details and a picture of Anthony dressed as Santa while passing out gifts at Connecticut Children’s.
The toy drive will benefit Connecticut Children’s Medical Center where toys will be supplied to children who are receiving care starting in December and continuing throughout the year. According to Trinity’s Ashley Jimenez:
My name is Ashley Jimenez and I am a social worker at Trinity Hill Care Center. My 16 year old nephew Anthony recently passed away from brain cancer. He battled brain cancer for ten years. Anthony loved giving back to his community. So, to honor him during the holiday season, we are hosting a toy drive. All the toys that are collected will be donated to Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.
**Picture appears with express permission.