MANCHESTER – iCare Management and Touchpoints Rehab is excited to celebrate National Nursing Home Week, this week May 14-20th.
In this post, the staff and residents from Westside Care Center and Touchpoints at Manchester take part in a baseball themed picnic on the iCare lawn. The event was complete with home run derby, over-sized bean bag toss, ice cream truck, strawberry shortcake, cracker jacks and a visit from the Hartford Yard Goats mascot Chew Chew. In the end, Team Westside won the home run derby with Westside Administrator Patrick Neagle and Touchpoints at Manchester Administrator Tracy Newport taking turns at bat.
According to the American Health Care Association (AHCA) website, AHCA established the weeklong celebration in 1967, always beginning on Mother’s Day. NNHW provides an opportunity for residents and their loved ones, staff, volunteers, and surrounding communities to recognize the role of skilled nursing care centers in caring for America’s seniors and individuals with disabilities.
*Pictures and testimonials of residents are posted to this site with express written permission from the resident or their responsible party.