MANCHESTER (June 26, 2019) – June 13-20th was National Nursing Assistants Week and as part of celebrating and recognizing the hard work that Nursing Assistants do each and every day, Westside Care Center held a CNA Recognition Ceremony.
Westside’s CNAs were honored for their longevity with the care center. One such honoree, Westside’s Mary Lyons, has been working with the care center’s residents for a stunning 46 years. Residents were able to spend time celebrating and recognizing their aides. Appetizers were served for both staff and residents.
National Nursing Assistants Week serves to recognize the nursing assistants who dedicate their lives to the well-being of others. By exploring the role of nursing assistants, who are employed by hospitals and nursing homes and perform everyday living tasks for the elderly, chronically ill or rehabilitation patients who cannot care for themselves, we can see how invaluable they are to their patient’s lives.
Nursing Assistants play a vital, daily role in the delivery of quality care and the week provides an opportunity to foster and showcase the wonderful things Certified Nursing Assistants (also known as CNAs) do for their patients and the community.