Across iCare Health Network centers and indeed from nursing homes across the State and country, residents are sending their friends and families simple messages of love. While we work hard to institute and increase access to web chat services like FaceTime and Zoom, sometimes a greeting card, a phone call or a message on a dry erase board can be clear and effective. Seen here are resident of Touchpoints at Farmington posing with their message. Sometimes just to get their smile out there and so…
Touchpoints at Farmington Team Goes Red for Women to Bring Awareness to Heart Health
February 7, 2020
According to the American Heart Association site, nearly 80 percent of cardiac events can be prevented and cardiovascular diseases continue to be a woman’s greatest health threat. In response, February 7th is the American Heart Association’s day to ‘Go Red for Women’ to raise money and more importantly, awareness heart health. As a care center that provides extensive care and treatment for residents with congestive heart failure and other cardiac conditions, the Touchpoint…
Photos from Touchpoints at Farmington's Christmas Events
December 30, 2019
As is the case throughout the iCare Health Network, Touchpoints at Farmington had several Christmas events for staff and residents, including a staff potluck with deep fried turkey care of John Zazzaro, the Farmington Middle School chorus singing for the residents, a trip to Fantasia Lights in Hartford and Gifts from Santa.
Halloween 2019 All Around the iCare Health Network
November 1, 2019
It’s Halloween! And all around the iCare Health Network, residents and staff are getting in the spirit. Costume parties and pumpkin decorating and jack o’lantern carving contests were held.Snacks, candy, cookies and other tricks and treats were given out. Have a happy, safe and spooky Halloween! Many photos and a video in the full post!
The staff at Touchpoints at Farmington was honored and recognized with an official citation from the Connecticut General Assembly. State Representatives Bobby Sanchez (25th District) and Mike Demicco (21st District) conveyed the honor. In part it reads, “Beyond your knowledge, expertise and professionalism, you also demonstrated dedication, love, and compassion towards him, and his family over the past two years at Touchpoints…”