Halloween 2019 All Around the iCare Health Network
November 1, 2019
It’s Halloween! And all around the iCare Health Network, residents and staff are getting in the spirit. Costume parties and pumpkin decorating and jack o’lantern carving contests were held.Snacks, candy, cookies and other tricks and treats were given out. Have a happy, safe and spooky Halloween! Many photos and a video in the full post!
Touchpoints Rehab and Touchpoints at Home: A Patient Testimonial on the Continuum of Care - 2019
April 22, 2019
“The exceptional knowledge and skills of this Touchpoints rehab team is light years better that I could have ever expected. I am now ready for Outpatient Physical Therapy. I chose Touchpoints Rehab Outpatient services because I will be able to continue my care with the same therapists! How great is that. With Touchpoints at Home and Touchpoints Rehab you get complete success. I highly recommend Touchpoints Rehab and Touchpoints at Home at every level on care.”
Touchpoints at Home Hosts Career Fair
January 26, 2018
"Touchpoints at Home was a wonderful decision and I am forever grateful to their commitment to me."
November 15, 2017