East Culture Arts Performs for Residents at Chelsea Place in Celebration of Chinese New Year
January 23, 2023
On January 20, 2023 a group from East Culture Arts Group performed traditional dances and songs in celebration of Chinese New Year. According the their materials, East Culture Arts seeks to increase awareness and understanding of Chinese and other country’s cultures; promoting cultural exchange through singing, dancing and other activities involving the arts. China is home to 100 dance styles, representing fifty-six different ethnic groups, including the Han. Every dance has its own dis…
Honoring the Life, Legacy and Impact of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 16, 2023
There are so many deep and meaningful quotes attributed to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that resonate strongly for those in healthcare and in daily service to others. But it is important on this day to remember what a life of service to others means. That loving one another is even more important in times of strife, discord and division. That words alone will not solve problems or save lives, but it is in your actions, big and small that you legacy and impact will be decided. Today, go forward…
A Special Thank You to All Our Veterans -- Happy Veterans Day 2022
November 11, 2022
On behalf of iCare Health Network, our care centers and entire staff, we would like to honor all of our nation’s veteran’s for all that they gave in service of our country. There are dozens of veterans in every iCare facility as staff members, residents, vendors, families and others and we take every opportunity, especially today, to say, deeply and sincerely, Thank You.
Touchpoints at Manchester's Christine Pryce Inducted into the Certified Nursing Assistant Hall of Fame, 2022
November 3, 2022
The Connecticut Chapter of the American Association of Health Care Administrators 2022 inductees to the Connecticut Certified Nursing Assistant Hall of Fame included Touchpoints at Manchester’s Christine Pryce. The Connecticut Chapter of the American Association of Health Care Administrators inducts Christine Pryce into the Connecticut Certified Nursing Assistant Hall of Fame. In recognition of your distinguished service and dedication to the health care needs of all residents, we are …