Touchpoints at Bloomfield Holds Annual Holiday Luncheon at Bloomfield Senior Center, 2019
November 27, 2019
Touchpoints at Bloomfield staff prepared and served a delicious holiday meal as part of their annual Holiday Luncheon for local seniors at the Bloomfield Senior Center. The Touchpoints at Bloomfield team, including the department heads and food service staff fed 100 people a traditional thanksgiving meal.
Halloween 2019 All Around the iCare Health Network
November 1, 2019
It’s Halloween! And all around the iCare Health Network, residents and staff are getting in the spirit. Costume parties and pumpkin decorating and jack o’lantern carving contests were held.Snacks, candy, cookies and other tricks and treats were given out. Have a happy, safe and spooky Halloween! Many photos and a video in the full post!
The Touchpoints at Bloomfield Team Renews Their Pledge to Stigma Free Care
September 25, 2019
With the help of the residents, Touchpoints at Bloomfield celebrated National Recovery Month by putting together a resident-led information table about Recovery Month in the front lobby. The center’s iRecovery Counselor Janice Lapage provided the team with information to distribute to staff, visitors and family members and ran a discussion group for our residents and staff. Most did not know the stigma that is carried by others that suffer from mental illness and/or substance use di…
Touchpoints at Bloomfield Delivers Breakfast to Windsor Senior Center's Summer Celebration
August 20, 2019
The Touchpoints at Bloomfield Food Services team participated in Windsor Senior Center’s Summer Celebration on August 15th. Said Food Services Director Paul DeMaida, ”We prepared breakfast for 75 here at the facility and then delivered it to the senior center where we stayed to serve the local seniors. It was well received and we had a great time doing it.” The staff that participated were Paul DeMaida, Brandon Williams (a cook), and dietary aides Jeanita Brown and Marle…
Touchpoints at Bloomfield Celebrates Shark Week
August 16, 2019
The staff and residents of Touchpoints at Bloomfield had an outstanding time dunking the “shark”, Administrator Jaime Faucher. Staff and residents participated in throwing the bean bags into the sharks mouth. If they hit the target Jaime the Shark was “dunked” with very cold water by Recreation Director Cindy Payne. The week included a visit from a shark expert who spoke on a shark’s day to day life, made shark teeth necklaces and of course watched the popular 1970’s film Jaws.